Twenty girls are honored by a Ghanaian church for maintaining their virginity.

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Twenty adolescent ladies were honored over the weekend by the Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Church in the Wenchi West District of the Mid-West Ghana Conference, Bono Region, for maintaining their virginity. Unspecified financial assistance was given to the 13–16-year-old females during a special Thanksgiving service.

According to GhanaWeb, the Young Adventist Women Ministries led the ceremony, which had as its goal advancing moral integrity based on cultural and Christian principles.

Mrs. Nana Amponsah Poku, the Young Adventist Women Ministries Coordinator, emphasized the program’s emphasis on fostering young women’s overall growth.

She urged the girls to preserve their innocence and exercise caution when selecting friends in the upcoming year, stressing the value of self-assurance and sound judgment.

“God created you uniquely beautiful and you must not allow anybody to lure and break your virginity until you marry”, she urged the girls and asked them to be cautious about the friends they picked in 2025.

“The ancient Bragoro or Dipo rite was very essential in preserving girls’ virginity and controlling teenage pregnancies inimical to the growth and development of young girls and women”, she stated.

Associate Pastor Andrews Dua Bour Kyereh praised the honorees for their discipline and purity. He encouraged them to prioritize education and faith, urging other young girls in the church and community to follow their example.

Pastor Kyereh also called on parents to take an active role in guiding their children toward virtuous living and instilling strong moral values.

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